Slab Foundations
At Vantage Foundation Repair, we believe that everyone should be able to access efficient, affordable, and trustworthy services when it comes to slab foundation repair. We understand the importance of having a solid foundation for your home, which is why we offer comprehensive repair services to make sure that your foundation is as strong and stable as possible. With our expertise and attention to detail, we can ensure that your slab foundation is in the best condition, giving you peace of mind.
Understanding Slab Foundations
A slab foundation is an essential feature in many homes, offering a robust, simple, and cost-effective structure. However, like all foundations, it is not immune to damage or aging. Issues such as slab leaks, cracks, and shifts can create serious problems if left unattended. But worry no more. At Vantage Foundation Repair, we pride ourselves on delivering top-notch slab foundation repair services tailored to address these problems and restore your peace of mind.

The Cost of Slab Foundation Repair
Signs of Distress
Indicators of foundation movement come in many forms. The most obvious may be walking up or down hill in the structure or large cracks in existing super structure or foundation. Smaller indicators may be in the form of visible cracks around window and door frames, cracks in tile or sheetrock or in some cases swinging doors. Exterior stress indicators can form in the brick, siding, fascia or roofline areas. Bottom line…structures are designed to flex and move as needed, however, how much is too much for you?

What are my options?
Your options are often defined by your circumstances. For instance, if you are in the process of selling your home or office, chances are you will have to address any and all issues. If you are buying a house or commercial property, have it assessed prior to closing. If your structure is younger than 5 years old and you suspect a problem, consult a licensed structural engineer. Lastly, if you do not have immediate plans to sell, you have several options. We suggest obtaining an assessment to determine if in fact there is a problem or to ensure the problem is not causing irreparable or costly damage. Now, you may be in a position to chose to wait and monitor the foundation, correct any negative drainage, or repair the structure with underpinning.
Our Commitment to Quality